Happy to be there

Happy to be there

July 11, 2016personal journal2 min read

First 10 days of July passed and I feel I need to report some of the details about the progress for last couple weeks. Summer is fully here. Days are quite long, weather’s not bad, things are rolling.


After getting break during May, I’ve increased the amount of posts per month. This is of course mostly because of introducing reading lists, where I share lists of articles or places on the web I’ve read or stumbled upon during the week. I know that the audience is probably very small, but even too me, this weekly habit helps me distill the most important pieces of content to read and check.

Beside of that, not much. I’ve did slight improvements to the blog structure, all in all I’m quite happy with the Middleman as a backend for static blog page. The only problem I see so far is that some of the plugins I’ve wanted to try are unfortunately outdated and does not work with recent version of Middleman. I hope that this will be solved soon, otherwise I’ll have to look again for another blogging tool. Maybe next year though.


Last week I’ve set the goal to go out and run 3 times. I’ve managed to get that, but it was somehow hard. I think I’ve made first run on Tuesday and then slacked until weekend. Then last two runs on Saturday and Sunday.

I’ve hit 30km goal for that week. But next week will be harder. I’m already writing this while traveling to Hamburg and I know I won’t have much time & energy to go for a run. So only next weekend’s left for me.

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